Quotation Explorer - 'Muriel Barbery'

If you want to heal Heal othersAnd smile or weepAt this happy reversal of fate - Muriel Barbery
—Elle m'a pas recconue!—C'est parce qu'elle vous a jamais vue. - Muriel Barbery
The lines gradually become their own demiurges and, like some witless yet miraculous participant, I witness the birth on paper of sentences that have eluded my will and appear in spite of me on the sheet, teaching me something that I neither knew nor thought I might want to know. - Muriel Barbery
Sashimi is velvet dust, verging on silk, or a bit of both, and the extraordinary alchemy of its gossamer essence allows it to preserve a milky density unknown even by clouds.... my cheeks recalled the effects of its profound caress. - Muriel Barbery
To the rich, therefore, falls the burden of Beauty. And if they cannot assume it, then they deserve to die. - Muriel Barbery
Clara looked at Maria and tried to understand what she must do so that Maria would be able to see her. But the little French girl cast all around her the bronze of infinite solitude. - Muriel Barbery
...we have to surpass ourselves every day, make every day undying. Climb our own personal Everest and do it in such a way that every step is a little bit of eternity. That's what the future is for: to build the present, with real plans, made by living people. - Muriel Barbery
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